This archive contains three versions of an abstract world model: a flat world map, a cylindrical version similar to the models used by CBS in the Olympic Games animated bumps, and a spherical world map. Point orders on them are identical, and all three models are perfectly morphable, although they were not designed to be so. (You may have to rotate and resize a little). All three models are extrusions of only the land masses, and are good for use in graphic depictions of the world. There are probably minor errors in the sizes of the landmasses compared to a proper scientific map, but it was perfect for the project which I modeled this for, so I left it at that. Even with the plethora of world map objects out there in netland I couldn't find one that fit my needs (and when I did it wasn't detailed enough), and therefore the following models. Hopefully someone else besides me can find them useful in their projects.. =) I am distributing these models under I guess what could be called "free shareware".. which means that if you are doing 3D for fun or doing this gratis for your demo reel or whatever, go right ahead and use it! But if you use this for a paid project, I would appreciate at least a phone call or email to let me know it's being used, and if you feel it's saved you some precious time on your project, any little bit of compensation would be welcome. But most of all, I'd just like to hear about how you're using this model in your work..! Enjoy! Alan Chan Graphics/Animation Design Vision Video Systems (405) 447-0021